29 April 2010


I went to see the surgeon the other day.
First of all, he agreed with what the cardiologist had to say last month - that my heart was in great shape, and I have been recovering wonderfully.
After that, I asked him about my tooth. I have a cavity in my upper left molar, and the dentist wants to remove it and it's partner (the wisdom teeth.) However, the surgeon told the dentist to do no work on the teeth until 6 months have passed (June.) I had no problem with this at the time, because the tooth wasn't bothering me at the time. However, it has started bothering me. I believe that the congestion (maybe from allergies) has been aggravating the tooth, so I am taking generic Zyrtec. I've also been rinsing it with Listerine dental rinse with Hydrogen Peroxide (8%) and taking tylenol. So far, it hasn't been too bad.
Anyway, the surgeon says that I can go ahead with the extractions if I have to, but that I should put it off as long as possible. He reminded me to take anti-boitics before, during and after, but he did not mention the blood thinners.
Then, he started telling me that both he and the cardiologist are very interested in my case. Apparently, "Tets" don't usually dissect, and my case might actually be unique. They are interested in finding out why I dissected, and he is thinking about writing my case up for the journals. Apparently, my surgeon is a really big deal in the world of heart surgeons. He actually developed the procedure that he used to work on me.
I have a whole lot of other stuff I could talk about, but I don't feel like it. Some blogger, huh?