01 March 2015

Ugh... snow.

Okay. I know that people in New England and Upstate New York have it waaaaay worse than we here in South Jersey, but I am over the snow and cold weather, and I've hated it since I was a child.
I was supposed to go hear a friend playing in the Philharmonic of Southern New Jersey today. The program was to highlight with Mussorgsky's Pictures at an Exhibition and would have meant an hour or so of my enjoying the music and whatever childhood memories the piece would have evoked. PLUS I would have had a couple hours of time with my friend afterward at dinner. It was to be a very pleasant afternoon. But, thanks to the snow, the concerts been postponed until next Sunday, and I won't be able to attend.
Well, at least I will make up the time with my friend tomorrow.
Instead of that, I am spending the afternoon copying CDs - mostly classical at the moment - into iTunes on my laptop. Later I will spend a few hours reading while I play whatever music I settle on.
On Tuesday, I have a rehearsal in Pitman for a High School production of The Wizard of Oz. Next Saturday is the first rehearsal with the orchestra for said production. I took the week off from work and there will be rehearsals and performances that entire week.

28 February 2015

With a new laptop in my possession, I am pleased to find myself able to do various things I haven't done in about a year. This blog is one of them. I am hoping to find myself entering more here, even if only for my own benefit. Perhaps I should change the title to "Dear Diary..." and hope it stays private for ever.
I have spent a good part of today copying CDs into my iTunes program so that I can listen to them again. Right now I am listening to "Olympia, October 1964" by Jacques Brel. Oddly enough, I had a dream the other morning (hypnopompic?) in which Jacques Brel took me to Paris with him, presumably for a lifetime of joy, bliss, and wild love-making. Of course I remember very little of that dream and I am pretty sure that we never got down to the love-making part.
Tomorrow, I am going to hear the South Jersey Philharmonic Society (if that's the name) perform, among other things, "Pictures at an Exhibition." It's been many years since I've heard that piece, and I know I will enjoy it very much. Happily I was able to get the day off from work. It required losing a shift, but I don't mind. I just got my tax refund this week, and I am doing a show (more on that later) next week. So, I won't be feeling the pinch quite so hard as I might. If I want to, I suppose I can pick up a shift sometime this week, too. But I doubt I will.