28 February 2015

With a new laptop in my possession, I am pleased to find myself able to do various things I haven't done in about a year. This blog is one of them. I am hoping to find myself entering more here, even if only for my own benefit. Perhaps I should change the title to "Dear Diary..." and hope it stays private for ever.
I have spent a good part of today copying CDs into my iTunes program so that I can listen to them again. Right now I am listening to "Olympia, October 1964" by Jacques Brel. Oddly enough, I had a dream the other morning (hypnopompic?) in which Jacques Brel took me to Paris with him, presumably for a lifetime of joy, bliss, and wild love-making. Of course I remember very little of that dream and I am pretty sure that we never got down to the love-making part.
Tomorrow, I am going to hear the South Jersey Philharmonic Society (if that's the name) perform, among other things, "Pictures at an Exhibition." It's been many years since I've heard that piece, and I know I will enjoy it very much. Happily I was able to get the day off from work. It required losing a shift, but I don't mind. I just got my tax refund this week, and I am doing a show (more on that later) next week. So, I won't be feeling the pinch quite so hard as I might. If I want to, I suppose I can pick up a shift sometime this week, too. But I doubt I will.