08 January 2012


It took some doing, but I got a new laptop today.

When I was in the hospital, my brother told me that his in-laws decided to contribute $300 toward an iPad for me for Christmas. It was their daughter who died in December. Since she had a special place in her heart for me, they decided that they would contribute the money that they'd had allotted for her Christmas gift. When Christmas rolled around and I was still in a nursing home and nothing else was said about it, I figured it was not to be.

But, the other day my brother sent a message that he'd bought an electronic gift card st Best Buy. Apparently all I needed was the numbers. So I went there and picked out a laptop. However, when I went to pay for it I was told that they needed the physical card. It seems the salesman in Florida misled my brother. After about an hour of trying various things - my brother send a picture of the card in hopes they could scan that - we decided that we'd come back the next day (today.) That is, my brother-in-law and I.

We went back today after my brother used the card to buy the laptop in Florida, so we could pick it up here. The proceedings were very complicated. Still - I got the laptop and it seems to be working just fine.

After we left the store yesterday, my bro-in-law, my sister and I took a ride to visit another brother. I hadn't really spoken with this brother in something like 20 years beyond saying hello at family gatherings, but he seems to have mellowed a bit in recent years, so I figured perhaps I should cut him some slack. We've both been through the surgical mill (he had cancer, and lost much of his intestines) so neither one of us really wants to fight anymore.

Of course, he never answers his phone, checks his messages, or his email, so we had to take the trip without knowing whether he'd be home or not. He was and everything went fine. It was amusing to watch my sister get on his nerves for a while.

Oh, and by he way, I did remember to send a thank you email to the brother's in-laws. I guess I should write to my siblings who I'm told also contributed toward the laptop.

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