19 January 2012

Lunch with friends

Today I was picked up by a friend, and we went to a Pei Wei in New Jersey, where we met four other friends. It was a wonderful gathering. We had not seen each other (at least I had not seen most of them) in several years.

We all knew each other from singing an a chamber choir called 'Lauda!' which dissembled about three or four years ago. Several of us have kept in touch through facebook, and I did have dinner with Melanie (she who picked me up) about a year and a half ago. The rest of the gathering (Lori-Jo, Luisa, Patti & Mike) I had not seen since our Lauda! days. It really was most enjoyable.

After leaving Moorestown, Melanie was kind enough to stop at a pharmacy for me. I needed a thing or two. After she dropped me off at my sister's house, I went upstairs until dinner time. I turned off my phone and plugged it in to recharge the battery, thus missing a few calls. Meh... no news there.

Mt nephew showed up for dinner, and that was a very pleasant surprise. I had meant to call some of my friends back, but Matthew didn't leave until it was too late to call teachers. Oh, well. There's always tomorrow.

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