05 September 2009

Semi-productive day

I spent most of my day removing about 2,500 CDs from a carousel so I could move said carousel away from the window, which of course meant that I had to re-arrange the room entirely, which meant that I had to un-shelf and unshelf a whole mess of books, and vacuum as well.
Still, I am unsatisfied with how the room looks, but at least I can get to the window without squeezing. Really, I should just get rid of the entertainment center with the TV in it, since I don't watch TV. It is a relic from before my Mom died, almost three years ago. I haven't watched TV since. I do, however, watch an occassional DVD, and I also play CDs through the DVD player.
Maybe I will attach the smaller TV (assuming I still have it somewhere) to the DVD player in my bedroom. Then I'll need to get a new CD player (not top-loading since none of them seem to work for me.)
I'm still not finished. I want to replace the CDs, but first I want to be sure I'm satisfied with the placement of the carousel. Then I want to move one of the filing cabinets (presuming the wooden one) next to the desk where I have my laptop. I'll out the other desk in the backroom (where I got this one from) and think about moving the entertainment center into the other room, too.
It isn't great, but it is, at least, better than it was.

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